Debbie Rebeiro – Bargaining Skills Workshop (CUPE)

Bargaining Skills Workshop (CUPE Course)

Location:  CUPE Local 4000 Hall, 32 Colonnade Road, Ottawa

May 23 & 24, 2013

It was my very first ‘Bargaining’ experience and as such was an eye-opener for me. I have learned that there are specific steps and a structure to follow.

The following handouts were given to us:

  1. Bargaining Skills Participant’s material which included – The Bargaining Process, Various Tips on how to Take Good Notes, how to Communicate, what to Observe, on Body Language, on Listening, on Making a Deal!
  2. Proposed Amendments to the Collective Agreement (Management Team)
  3. Bargaining Skills Player’s Manual – Union Team, which included:
  • The Bargaining Scenario
  • Proposed Amendments
  • A Fact Sheet on Flexible Benefits – Resisting Benefits Concession
  • Several activities on what and how to Caucus, and how to Communicate during Bargaining.
  1. A mock Collective Agreement
  2. The Collective Bargaining process in Ontario

Before bargaining commenced we needed to have in place the following:

  1. Union Bargaining Committee
  2. The Union’s Proposals
  3. Membership support
  4. A good negotiator
  5. Background information
  6. Bargaining strategy
  7. Goals
  8. Our Options
  9. Choose the best option
  10. Risk vs. Prediction
  11. Other tactics
  12. Understanding the Employer

The workshop was indeed a first experience for me and it was delivered in the form of role plays. As I went through the processes and role play I noted the following are important:

  1. Taking very good notes
  2. Everyone in our team should take notes
  3. Being very alert and observant
  4. Always noting body language of management
  5. Being aware of your own body language and what signals you’re sending
  6. Pay careful attention to what Management is offering, do not turn off a good deal
  7. Protecting our already in place benefits
  8. Being prepared, caucus effectively
  9. Seek for fair settlement
  10. Have sensible goals
  11. Discuss fully why and what
  12. Draft fairly the settlement

The workshop was well done! We held several caucuses before and in-between Bargaining. The Bargaining scenario was role-played as well.

CUPE Staff Reps Tony Cristiano and Chantale … facilitated the workshop. Both are great facilitators.

Observation: CUPE Reps take charge to take issues farther with the employer.

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