To make it easy to find and navigate, below is the list of candidates in the election. Each name will be clickable to view their bio, if one has been provided. Good luck to all candidates!
Between November 21-27, 2023 members will elect 2 table officers, and 11 RVP’s (2-year term) and 1 trustee (3-year term).
Election for Table Officer Positions: President Treasurer
Election for Trustee Position: Trustee
Elected by a vote of the membership in all regions.
Election for Regional Vice-President Positions: BC Region Alberta Region Saskatchewan Region Manitoba Region Ontario Region 5A Ontario Region 5B National Office Region 6A National Office Region 6B National Office Region 6C Maritimes Region Atlantic Region Elected by a vote of the membership in their respective region.
Nominations will open October 31, 2023 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 p.m. EST on November 14, 2023; the day nominations close.
To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.
Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.
No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office.
Nominations must be sent in during the nomination period. Any nominations received before or after the nomination period will not be accepted.
A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on November 15, 2023
After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system and posted on the Local Union website/social media. The article can include an active link to a website.
Kristen Bowman will serve as Returning Officer during the election. Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, November 21-27, 2023.
Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Kristen Bowman via your RVP and no later than November 7, 2023, to ensure receipt of ballots. If you are unsure if we have your correct email on file, please reach out to your RVP to confirm.
In solidarity,
Brandi Kehoe President, COPE Local 491
Campaign Rules
Campaigning cannot occur during work time.
Use of the Employer’s Teams chat or email to circulate election material is not permitted.
Candidates are asked to always conduct themselves with dignity.
Any behaviour or material that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment will not be tolerated.
Each duly nominated candidate may submit a maximum of one (1) article (PDF) to be published on the Local Union Website and included in the electronic voting system.
Website posting of articles begin November 15, 2023.
Kristen Bowman Returning Officer, COPE Local 491
October 30, 2023 Election Call
November 7, 2023 Personal email address deadline
October 31, 2023 Nominations open
November 14, 2023 4:00 p.m. EST Nominations Close
November 15, 2023 Complete list of candidates will be posted on the Union’s Website Website posting of articles begin
To make it easy to find and navigate, below is the list of candidates in the election. Each name will be clickable to view their bio, if one has been provided. Good luck to all candidates!
Between December 5 to 11, 2022 members will elect three (3) table officers, two (2) RVPs and one (1) trustee in accordance with the COPE 491 Bylaws.
Table Officer Positions: National Vice-President Secretary Communications/Education Officer
Trustee Position: Trustee 3-year term
Elected by a vote of the membership in all regions
Regional Vice-President Positions (By-Election): Region 2 – Alberta Region 7 – Maritimes
Elected by a vote of the membership in their respective region
Nominations will open October 31, 2022 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 p.m. EST on November 14, 2022; the day nominations close.
To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.
No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office. Nominations must be sent in during the nomination period. Any nominations received before or after the nomination period will not be accepted.
A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on November 15, 2022.
After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system and posted on the Local Union website. The article may reference candidate websites but shall not contain any active links to external websites.
Mary Elizabeth Archer will serve as Returning Officer during the election. Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, December 5 to 11, 2022.
Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.
Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Mary Elizabeth Archer via your RVP and no later than October 31, 2022, to ensure receipt of ballots.
In solidarity,
Brandi Kehoe President, COPE Local 491
Campaign Rules
Campaigning cannot occur during work time.
Use of the Employer’s voice mail or email to circulate election material is not permitted.
Candidates are asked to always conduct themselves with dignity.
Any behaviour or material that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment will not be tolerated.
Each duly nominated candidate may submit a maximum of one (1) article (PDF) to be published on the Local Union Website and included in the electronic voting system.
Website posting of articles begin November 15, 2022.
Mary Elizabeth Archer Returning Officer, COPE Local 491
October 17, 2022 Election Call
October 31, 2022 Personal email address deadline
October 31, 2022 Nominations open
November 14, 2022 4:00 p.m. EST Nominations Close
November 15, 2022 Complete list of candidates will be posted on the Union’s Website Website posting of articles begin
Please see the attached survey relating to Article 25.04 Workload Review that was recently bargained into our collective agreement. This project will begin this fall and will include collaborations between our Local, the Employer and CSU.
Only answer the survey questions that pertain to you. If a question does not relate to your job, office or department please keep it blank.
This data is being collected to analyze our work, but also to focus on how our work has changed over the past several years because of higher demand in some departments/regions, technology, the nature of the reps’ work as it relates to our support, and also as a result of the pandemic. It is also to see where there is need for added support, or training in certain departments or regions.
I know some of you in the National Office region have already filled out a survey similar to this one. If you have and you do not have anything further to add, please know I still have those surveys and I will be using them for this project. If you would like to redo the survey, you are welcome to.
If there is something related to your workload, but the question has not been posed in this survey, please feel free to add that information into the comments section at the end of the survey.
All completed surveys can be sent to me, Brandi Kehoe ( Please have them in by October 26th 2022.
Our Employer served the Union an Estoppel notice regarding Article 15.02 (c).
The Union would like to remind all members they should be making efforts to book medical appointments outside of working hours if possible. All standing appointments during work time may start to be denied unless there is proof it is the only means possible due to factors such as provider hours, treatment availability etc.
If you encounter any issues please contact your RVP.
The election for the ratification vote is now over. We have the results.
The MOS has been ratified by COPE491 members.
Thank you to all of those who took the time to vote.
Poll Result COPE491 – Ratification VoteReport date: Wednesday 29 June 2022 00:00 EDT Are you in favour of accepting the negotiated settlement? Poll ID: 174879 As at Poll close: Tuesday 28 June 2022 23:59 EDT Number of voters: 200 · Group size: 248 · Percentage voted: 80.65 Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post) Ranked by votes RankCandidate IDCandidateVotes%116148435Yes19296.00216148436No84.00