The nomination period for the upcoming elections is now closed. Thank you to all who participated in the process and either nominated someone or allowed their names to stand for election.
The following is the list of nominees for positions that will have an election:
- Brandi Kehoe (Ontario)
- Sandra Leniuk (BC)
- Noelle Douitsis (Ontario)
- Alex Hernandez (Manitoba)
- Lisa Peldiak (Ontario)
- Rachel Roberts (BC)
The following is a list of the nominees that have been acclaimed.
TRUSTEE (3 year)
- Carolyn Layfield (Ontario)
REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT (REGION 6B), By-election (Term 2021-2022)
- Wendy Barry (National) – Acclaimed
REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT (REGION 7), By-election (Term 2021-2022)
- Michelle LeBlanc (Maritimes) – Acclaimed
The election for the above positions will commence on December 9 and run until December 15, 2020. Ballots will be sent to voting members via email using Big Pulse. If you do not receive a ballot on December 9, please contact your current RVP.
Bios for the candidates will begin to be posted this week.
The following position did not receive any nominations, and more information regarding that will be coming out shortly.
REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT (REGION 6C), By-election (Term 2021-2022)
Congratulations to all those acclaimed and good luck to all candidates!