Returning Officer- Call for Interested Parties

As you are all aware, our elections are done electronically using Big Pulse.  The program that we use requires some training and experience in order to use it efficiently.  In the past, we have had one Returning Officer and have usually used them fairly exclusively, but it would be beneficial to have more than one person to turn to.  We would like to have a couple different members that would be interested in acting as Returning Officer start some training on the program so that our local has more flexibility when coming across the need to appoint a Returning Officer for an election. We had sent out a request for interest last year and had some responses.  Unfortunately the couple people we chose we unable to continue through and we would like to restart the process by opening up the interest call fully again – if you have sent in an email in the past but are still interested, please feel free to send your name in again. 

If you feel this is something you would be interested in, please advise your RVP by the end of day on March 24, 2020. 

Vacation Statements

As many of you are starting to receive the vacation statements from HR, COPE is asking that you do NOT sign or return the statement yet. 

There have been numerous issues reported with vacation banks and payouts.  We have filed a policy grievance on vacation issues. 

Please do not sign the statement and send in until we have the opportunity to address the vacation issues with the Employer. 

Please contact Sandra Lenuik, NVP ( if you have signed the form and submitted already OR if you have any issues with vacation that you have not reported to her yet. 

Thank you for your cooperation.