NVP Elections Result

The Results are in!The election for the position of National Vice-President is now over.  We have the results. 

Congratulations to Mia Warwick who is the new National Vice-President! 

Poll Result Election – National Vice President 2022Report date: Tuesday 08 March 2022 00:00 EST
 Election – National Vice President
Poll ID: 172152
As at Poll close: Monday 07 March 2022 23:59 EST
Number of voters: 131 · Group size: 236 · Percentage voted: 55.51
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Ranked by votes
Rank     Candidate IDCandidate     Votes%
1    16130552Mia Warwick          75        57.25 
2    16130551Steven Trevellion 28 21.37
3    16130553Angela Coleman 17 12.98
4    16130554Leanne Strang 11 8.40

Click to see official Big Pulse results page:


List of Nominees and Acclaimations


List of Nominees and Acclaimation

The nomination period for the upcoming elections is now closed.  Thank you to all who participated in the process and either nominated someone or allowed their names to stand for election. 

The following is the list of nominees for the positions that will have an election:

Angela Coleman (ON) click for bio
Leanne Strang (BC)
Steven Trevellion (ON)
Mia Warwick (ON)

The following is a list of the nominees that have been acclaimed.

REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT (Region 1, British Columbia)
Jennifer Kirchner – Acclaimed

Clarissa Harris – Acclaimed  

Lindsay Mills – Acclaimed  

The election for the above position will commence on March 1 and run until March 7, 2022.  Ballots will be sent to voting members via email using Big Pulse.  If you do not receive a ballot on March 1, please contact your current RVP.  Bios for the candidates will begin to be posted this week. 

The following position did not receive any nominations, and more information regarding that will be coming out shortly. 

REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT – Region 7 (Maritimes)

Congratulations to all those acclaimed and good luck to all candidates! 

Election Call January 2022

Between March 1 to 7, 2022 members will elect one (1) Table Officer and three (3) RVP’s and one (1) Trustee in accordance with the COPE 491 Bylaws.  

Officer Positions:
National Vice President *By-election 1 year term
Elected by a vote of the full membership.  

Regional Vice-President Positions:
Region 1 – British Columbia
Region 7 – Maritimes
Region 8 – Atlantic
Elected by a vote of the membership in their respective regions  

Trustee Positions: 3-year Trustee
Elected by a vote of the full membership.  

Nominations will open January 25, 2022 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 P.M. on February 7, 2022; the day nominations close.  

To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.

No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office. Nominations must be sent in during the nomination period. Any nominations received before or after the nomination period will not be accepted.

A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on February 8, 2022.

After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system and posted on the Local Union website. The article may reference candidate websites but shall not contain any active links to external websites.

Mary Elizabeth Archer will serve as Returning Officer during the election. Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, March 1 to March 7, 2022.

Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.

Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Mary Elizabeth Archer via your RVP and no later than January 18, 2022, to ensure receipt of ballots.

In solidarity,

Brandi Kehoe
President, COPE Local 491

Campaign Rules

Campaigning cannot occur during work time.

Use of the Employer’s voice mail or email to
circulate election material is not permitted.

Candidates are asked to always conduct themselves with dignity.

Any behaviour or material that undermines
the dignity or self-esteem of any individual
or creates an intimidating, hostile or
offensive environment will not be tolerated.

Each duly nomination candidate may submit a maximum of one (1) article to be published on the Local Union Website and included in the electronic voting system.

Website posting of articles begin February 9, 2022.

Mary Elizabeth Archer
Returning Officer, COPE Local 491


January 11, 2022

  • Election Call

January 18, 2022

  • Personal email address deadline

January 25, 2022

  • Nominations open

February 7, 2022 4:00 p.m. EST

  • Nominations Close

February 8, 2022

  • Complete list of candidates will be posted on the Union’s Website

February 9, 2022

  • Website posting of articles begin

March 1 – 7, 2022


List of Nominees and Acclaimations

List of Nominees and Acclaimation
The nomination period for the upcoming elections is now closed.  Thank you to all who participated in the process and either nominated someone or allowed their names to stand for election. 

The following is the list of nominees for the position that will have an election:

Daniela Greco
Steven Trevellion

The following is a list of the nominees that have been acclaimed.

Brandi Kehoe – Acclaimed 

Karri Patterson – Acclaimed 

Patty Kinahan – Region 2 (Alberta) – Acclaimed
Theresa Walkowski – Region 3 (Saskatchewan) – Acclaimed
Pamela Nowosad-Federowich – Region 4 (Manitoba) – Acclaimed
Steve Smith – Region 5A (Ontario) – Acclaimed
Debbie Rebeiro – Region 6A (National) – Acclaimed
Melissa Fortin – Region 6B (National) – Acclaimed
Natalie Gladu – Region 6C (National) – Acclaimed 

The election for the above position will commence on December 7 and run until December 13, 2021.  Ballots will be sent to voting members via email using Big Pulse.  If you do not receive a ballot on December 7, please contact your current RVP. 

Bios for the candidates will begin to be posted this week. 

The following position did not receive any nominations, and more information regarding that will be coming out shortly. 

REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT – Region 1 (British Columbia)
REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT – Region 7 (Maritimes)
TRUSTEE (3 Year)

Congratulations to all those acclaimed and good luck to all candidates! 

Nomination Forms

Nomination Forms – Elections December 2021
Nominations for the upcoming elections open on November 2, 2021.  Click below to access the nomination form for each position up for election. The attached nomination forms are in pdf format; for a word version of the form, please reply to this email and it will be emailed to you.  Unfortunately the word version doesn’t attach properly through this email format. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Returning Officer, Mary Elizabeth Archer.

Vacation Carry-Over

COPE Local 491 filed a grievance on Friday, October 22 with respect to the vacation carry-over for 2021 vacation entitlement amounts.  At the center of this grievance is the Employer’s interpretation of the Memorandum of Settlement we (CUPE and COPE) signed in January 2021.  This interpretation has changed and we have learned of issues with carry-over requests.  As discussions are ongoing with the Employer on this issue we will share what we can as information is available and as discussion progresses, but the process has timelines and new information may not be available as quickly as everyone is hoping.  We ask everyone to please be patient.  

If anyone has received a denial of carry-over for 2021 vacation entitlements, in writing, please forward to your RVP.  If anyone has been denied carry-over for 2021 vacation entitlement verbally please outline who you spoke to, what date, and what was said and send to your RVP.  We will be gathering information all of this week, and would appreciate a quick response to this request.  

Thank you.  

Election Call October 2021

Between December 7 and December 13, 2021 members will elect two (2) Table Officers; one (1) Trustee ; and eleven (11) RVP’s in accordance with the COPE 491 Bylaws.
Officer Positions:
Elected by a vote of the full membership.

Trustee Position:
3-year Trustee
Elected by a vote of the full membership.

Regional Vice-President Positions:
Region 1 – British Columbia
Region 2 – Alberta
Region 3 – Saskatchewan
Region 4 – Manitoba
Region 5A – Ontario
Region 5B – Ontario Regional Office
Region 6A – National Office/OAO
Region 6B – National Office/OAO
Region 6C – National Office/OAO
Region 7 – Maritimes
Region 8 – Atlantic
Elected by a vote of the membership in their respective regions
Nominations will open November 2, 2021 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 P.M. on November 15, 2021; the day nominations close.
To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.
No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office. Nominations must be sent in during the nomination period. Any nominations received before or after the nomination period will not be accepted. 

A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on November 16, 2021.
After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system and posted on the Local Union website. The article may reference candidate websites but shall not contain any active links to external websites.
Mary Elizabeth Archer will serve as Returning Officer during the election. Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, December 7 to December 13, 2021.
Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.
Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Mary Elizabeth Archer via your RVP no later than November 27, 2021, in order to ensure receipt of ballots.
In solidarity,
Brandi Kehoe
Acting President, COPE Local 491

Campaigning cannot occur during work time.
Use of the Employer’s voice mail or email to circulate election material is not permitted.
Candidates are asked to conduct themselves with dignity at all times.
Any behaviour or material that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment will not be tolerated.
Each duly nomination candidate may submit a maximum of one (1) article to be published on the Local Union Website and included in the electronic voting system.  Website posting of articles begin November 16, 2021.
Mary Elizabeth Archer
Returning Officer, COPE Local 491
October 20, 2021
Election Call

November 27, 2021
Personal email address deadline
November 2, 2021
Nominations open
November 15, 2021
4:00 p.m. EST

Nominations Close
November 16, 2021
Complete list of candidates
Will be posted on the Union’s
November 17, 2021
Website posting of articles begin
December 7 – 13, 2021

President’s Message

Greetings Sisters, Brothers & Friends:

First off, I want to let everyone know that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the COPE Executive for the past seven years.  I have grown from my role an RVP, to National Vice-President and then President for the past 2 ½ years.  Although at times these positions can be challenging, I always felt that this was what I was meant to do.  We have a great team of COPE staff across Canada, and I was happy to be able to represent you all.  I would also like to say that I have had the opportunity to work with a terrific Executive Board that were very supportive during my role as President.

With that said, I am writing to inform you that effective immediately, I will be stepping down.  As the National Vice-President, Brandi Kehoe has been Acting in this role for the past two months, she will continue to support all members in this role until the elections for President take place in December.

This was a tough decision for me as I feel my place is always going to be with COPE. Currently, my life has taken another direction which my entire focus needs to be on, and in fairness to the COPE members and Executive, I believe this is the right decision.

I thank you all for your support during my time as President.

Take care!In solidarity,

Trish Sinclair

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30th has been declared the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.  This was done through Bill C-5 which received Royal Assent in June.  CUPE will be honouring this day and all employees will be given the day off.  Correspondence from CUPE on this is available on CUPE Connect which confirms this day has been added to the list of Statutory Holidays in our Collective Agreement.  

COPE Local 491 appreciates the importance of the day and encourages members to use the day in the spirit in which it was created in response to #80 in the Calls to Action document from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.  The Call to Action reads: 

  • 80. We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.  

You can learn more about the Calls to Action and the Commission by visiting their website at: www.trc.ca 

Many events have been scheduled to honour the day and to move the reconciliation process, the learning and healing process forward.  You can find more information on these events through Facebook, Evites, TRC website, various Friendship Centres and education bodies and many other venues.  If you need assistance locating events or online forums please reach out.  

In Solidarity
COPE Local 491 Executive