Ontario Negotiating Team Member (Results)

Election of Negotiating Team Member – ONTARIO REGIONS

As at Poll close: Monday 19 August 2013 12:00 EDT
Number of voters: 40 · Group size: 64 · Percentage voted: 62.50
Ranked by votes

Rank Candidate Votes %
1 Margaret Lewis 22 55.00
2 Angela Coleman 12 30.00
3 Lindsay Mills 6 15.00

EAST – Negotiating Team Member (Results)

EAST – Negotiating Team Member Election

Report date: Monday 19 August 2013 11:02 EDT

Election of Negotiating Team Member – East

As at Poll close: Monday 19 August 2013 11:00 EDT
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 29 · Percentage voted: 68.97
Ranked by votes

Rank Candidate Votes %
1 Karri Patterson 7 35.00
2 Sheila Bourque 5 25.00
3 Kelli Lawrence 4 20.00
3 Stacey Moore 4 20.00

Bio – Leanne Strang (WEST)

My name is Leanne Strang.  I have been a secretary at the British Columbia Regional Office (BCRO) since July 2010.  Prior to that I was a CUPE Local 2254 member for seven years. I was the chief shop steward and the chief negotiator on our bargaining committee for three rounds of bargaining. In 2009, we were locked out for three months. We went to non-binding mediation and achieved a collective agreement with many gains and no concessions. During that process I learned an incredible amount about collective bargaining including the mediation/reconciliation process.

During our lockout I led a group of members that had never been involved in job action before. The key to our success was solid communication which I took responsibility for.   I have attended many union courses including collective bargaining, OH&S, shop stewarding, and bullying & harassment in the work place, not mot mention other courses.

I also bring with me many years of activism in the trade union movement in which time I have attended conferences, conventions, rallies and have supported other groups on their picket lines and have a true passion to support working people.

I have heard from many COPE members that the bargaining committee needs representation from other provinces outside of Saskatchewan and the east as we are a national union and need voices from coast to coast.  I have also heard from members of their dissatisfaction around the last round of bargaining, most notably around communication with members.

As a result of hearing these concerns, I have three main goals:

1.  To work with the COPE 491 bargaining committee to achieve a fair and reasonable collective agreement that contains no concessions.

2.  To communicate on a regular basis with COPE 491 members on the progress made in bargaining.

3.  To ensure that upon the completion of bargaining, all issues are dealt with in an expedient manner, including timely distribution of retroactive pay.

I would welcome the opportunity to work with our sisters and brothers in COPE 491 and hope that you will consider me in your vote for the bargaining committee.

In solidarity,

Leanne Parker Strang

Message to Members – Voting

Please remind your members to check their spam/junk box for the message to link them to their ballot! 

Members have an opportunity to elect a regional representative to the bargaining committee, for the first time!  It is their chance to influence the Local in a positive manner, and have a direct say in the make-up of the committee.  Obviously bargaining is an important part of what the Local does for its members and the membership should be encouraged to participate by getting to know the candidates and to cast a ballot. 

Lets have a high turnout for these important elections. 

Fran Robertson

Returning Officer

COPE Local 491

Bio – Eva McKaeff (WEST)


With many thanks to my nominator Sister Tracey Gramchuk, I have decided to let my name stand for a position on COPE 491’s bargaining team that will soon enter into negotiations with CUPE. 

The following is a list of my accomplishments over the past several years as both a member of CUPE, and also as an employee of CUPE. 

  • Employed by the City of Regina in 1982 – hired in Personnel.
  • In 1989, changed positions within the City to work in Customer Service.
  • In 2007, ended my employment with the City and began with CUPE as a Secretary. 

I chose the career path of customer service as I enjoy working and meeting people.  This passion resulted in pursuing union activities.  In 1989, while still working in Personnel, I was encouraged to get involved.  My first introduction to trade unionism was becoming active on the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.  This was a very good introduction for me and soon afterwards I expressed an interest to become more active within my Local.  I was soon elected to the position of Executive-At-Large, then to the position of Shop Steward for grievances, followed by the position of Recording Secretary and then finally to the position of President.   

I held the position of President for 12 years at the City of Regina.  My most memorable and challenging term was when my Local and two others, jointly took job action during negotiations in 2005.  I was very involved with the strike that made City of Regina history – most rewarding and self-satisfying, has made me a stronger person today. 

I have very strong principles when it comes to our workplace (CUPE as an employer and our rights as an employee).  I am not afraid to voice my opinion and will always stand up for what I feel is right or voice my opinion to what I think may not be right. 

Currently, I am a Referral Agent to our EAP program.  It has been my pleasure to assist anyone with their needs.  Statistics prove that our program is being used and hope that this service will never be cut out.  

I am also the Regional Vice-President (Saskatchewan Region). 

I am familiar with the process of negotiations as I know many of you are as well – we deal with this in our day jobs; however, sitting as part of a bargaining team from the beginning to the very end is truly an experience everyone should take interest in.  For this reason, I would like to do my part and contribute from what I have learned in my past experiences.   

Aside from my permanent employment with CUPE, I also work part-time with Regina’s Globe Theatre as a bartender, usher and the front of the house manager.   

I believe I have achieved a balance in my life and thank you for considering me to represent you at the negotiations table. 

In solidarity, 

Sister Eva McKaeff

Bio – Maggie Lewis (ONTARIO)

Bio for Maggie Lewis

To begin, I would like to thank you for the nomination to run as your representative for the 2013 COPE 491 Bargaining Committee and wish all nominees luck during this election.

I first began my career with CUPE in early 1994 and worked as a temporary Clerk-Typist for just over 1-½ years.  Jumping on an opportunity to live on an island, I left Canada to work in Bermuda, only to return six (6) months later.  Back in Canada, I worked for a Toronto hotel (as a temp), then landed a permanent position as an Office Manager in a dental office.  Well, that dental office sure opened my eyes, allowing me to finally understand and appreciated Unions, what we stand for and the important role we have in creating and maintaining rights for employees. It was then, that I decided to actively pursue and regain employment with CUPE and luckily was brought back as a temporary Secretary in February 1999.  I was placed at the Local 4400 office, where I worked for four (4) years, before returning to the Ontario Regional Office, where I currently work.

During my fourteen (14) years of unbroken service, I have:

  • Taken the Advanced Stewards course
  • Have sat with CUPE Local 4400’s Bargaining Committee in their “break-out” room during negotiations, experiencing team members working together to stand in solidarity when negotiating with the Employer
  • Was the first Campaign Manager for Janet Davis, Toronto City Counsellor (who was elected that year)
  • Presently am the COPE Ontario Region 5B Vice-President

For those who have worked with and alongside me, please know that I will dedicate the same energy, work ethic and dedication to OUR COPE 491 MEMBERS that I continually give to our Employer CUPE on behalf of our CUPE members. For those who have never worked alongside me, this means that I don’t quit, or give up or leave something half done.  If I don’t know, I will find out – no matter how long it takes and then I will pursue what is right and fight for you, if needed.

If elected:

  • My first order of business is to send out a Regional Bargaining Survey, so that I know what our common issues are in this region.   I want to ensure that your voice is heard during this round of negotiations.
  • I will take an active role to ensure that you will know how bargaining is progressing and will keep you informed to the best of my ability.
  • I will take your concerns directly to the Bargaining Committee and will get answers for you in a timely manner.
  • Together with the Bargaining Committee members, will negotiate the best Collective Agreement we can, for you…our members.

I believe we currently have the best COPE 491 Executive in our history, who will fight for our rights and a fair and equitable Collective Agreement.

I welcome the opportunity to sit alongside such a professional, dedicated and hardworking team during negotiations and thank you for your consideration during this vote.

Yours in solidarity,

Maggie Lewis, Regional Vice-President

Ontario Region 5B

COPE 491

Bio – Angela Coleman (ONTARIO)

Angela Coleman Profile

Three words used to describe me:  Team player, Dedicated and Loyal! 

  • The Hamilton Area Office is where I have been supporting and working closely with National Staff since February of 2002.
  • In 2002 – 2003, I had the privilege of being elected as President of COPE 491.  While President, I was involved in all aspects of COPE 491 which included meeting with members to resolve issues, listening to concerns and Chairing Board meetings that involved all Regional Vice Presidents to learn about and assist them with the issues that were important to members in other provinces.  I was involved in all issues between the Employer and our Union, including Labour Management, Grievance Meetings and Negotiations.
  • While not currently a member of the COPE 491 Executive, my future goal is to become more active with our Union once again.  With support from my family, I am now at a point in my life where I have the time, energy and commitment to be more actively involved in COPE 491.
  • In order to ensure that I am equipped to meet the needs of members in our Union, I have taken several courses through the McMaster University/Mohawk Labour Studies Program, which when fully completed I will have obtained my Labour Studies Certificate.  To further my education I have also completed Labour courses at Athabasca University.
  • I firmly believe that it would be a great asset to have a member from Ontario act as part of the bargaining committee.  If given this opportunity, I can assure you that I would be there to fight for what members want and need.
  • I was actively involved with “Rock for Public Services” back in 2008. A large and ongoing event initiated by CUPE Ontario.  My involvement included all planning stages including securing the venue location up to and including security for the venue and recruiting volunteers for the event.  I am extremely proud of the event which brought the community together for a very important cause.
  • For very personal reasons I organized and chaired a fundraiser for cancer. My strong organizational skills and determination raised $3500 for cancer research.
  • Avid volunteer through various organizations in my community.

I wish all the candidates the best of luck!

Thank you for your consideration and allowing me to be part of the next Bargaining Committee.

In Solidarity,
