RVP – List of Nominees

The nominations for the RVP positions has now closed. Below is the list of nominees. Thank you to all that accepted nominations and allowed their names to stand.

REGION 1 – British Columbia
Sandra Lenuik
Connie Taylor

REGION 2 – Alberta
Patty Kinahan

REGION 3 – Saskatchewan
Heather Dillabaugh

REGION 4 – Manitoba
Pamela Nowosad-Federowich
Donalee Tauber

REGION 5A – Ontario Area
Daniela Greco
Brandi Kehoe

REGION 5B – Ontario Regional Office
Michele Hacker

REGION 6 – National Office
Wendy Barry
Tammy Laurin
Debbie Rebeiro

REGION 7 – Maritimes
Sheila Bourque

REGION 8 – Atlantic
Karri Patterson

There will be an election for RVP in Region 1, Region 4, and Region 5A. All others have been acclaimed.

Details regarding elections will be coming out shortly. Congratulations to those members acclaimed and good luck to those nominees in the upcoming elections.

Communique #8

Sisters & Brothers:

As you know a second application was filed on November 30, 2017 to remove our National Office members from COPE 491. On Tuesday December 5, 2017 the Ontario Labour Relations Board ordered a vote to take place on Thursday, December 7, 2017 at National Office.

Further information will be communicated to you as it becomes available.

If you have any questions please send them to a COPE 491 Executive member and we will respond as soon as possible.

In solidarity,

Karen Carle
COPE 491

Bargaining Committee Update #1

Sisters & Brothers,

The Bargaining Committee has an update to share with members.  Access the full PDF update by clicking the link below.  Plain text version is also available below the button.

Bargaining Committee Update #1


The COPE 491 Bargaining Committee met for a full day on Saturday, December 2nd, and have began preparing the proposal package compiled of all the proposals members brought forward. We will also be working together this week tallying the survey results to get a better understanding of what is important to our members.

Our next meeting will be in January to complete the proposal package and have it ready for the next meeting of the Executive.

Thank you for the many surveys and proposals that were sent in! The input of our members is important and very helpful in this bargaining process.

We will send further information as it is available.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee
*Karen Carle
*Abigail Manangan
*Karri Patterson
*Collette Calvelli
*Lindsay Mills
*Trish Sinclair

Election Results

The polls have closed for the election for the positions of President, National Vice President, Treasurer, Education Communication Officer and Trustee.

Click the link below to see the results in Big Pulse.

President – Sister Karen Carle
National Vice President – Sister Trish Sinclair
Treasurer – Brother Nael Abouelenein
Education Communication Officer – Sister Rachel Roberts
Trustee – Sister Christine (Teena) Tran


Big Pulse Results

Election End Time, Memo from Returning Officer

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing in regard to the difference in dates for our on-going Election of Table Officer positions. The Vote Link states a different date than the Election Call that went out.

Please note we will be following the date on the Vote Link. Therefore, the Election will close
Friday December 1, 2017 @ 4:00pm EST.

Thank you,

Returning Officer

Click here to read pdf version of memo

COPE Communique #7

Our Union is under attack once again. “Rosie 2” has filed a second application to remove our National Office members from COPE. The application was filed yesterday at 5:30 p.m. and we will be working on a response today.

Further information will be communicated to you as it becomes available.


COPE Communique #6

Sisters and Brothers:

The Table Officers met with members of the National Office on Tuesday, November 28th to hear their questions and concerns.

We heard some common concerns from members.

  • Communication to be effective, stable and consistent
  • Effective and solid representation
  • Better process for National voices to be heard
  • Table Officer presence at National

We have taken these concerns and are working on a plan to move forward and to effectively improve on them.

This will be a positive step in building strength and solidarity at National Office, and within our membership across the country.

In Solidarity,

Karen Carle
COPE 491


COPE Communique #5

Communique #5

Sisters and Brothers,

Your COPE 491 Executive would like to share with you that the strength and solidarity of our Local, along with the work of the Employer, has resulted in the Ontario Labour Relations Board dismissing the application submitted by “ROSIE 2”.

At this time, the vote that was tentatively scheduled for November 29th at the National Office has been cancelled.

The Table Officers will remain to be available to meet with members, as planned, between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm at National Office. We hope members will stop in to share their questions and concerns.

In Solidarity,

Karen Carle
COPE 491

COPE Raid Communique #4 – UPDATE

Sisters and Brothers:

I want you to know that your COPE 491 Executive is working for you and doing everything we can to protect our member’s rights.

As you know, an application to decertify the National Office was filed with the Labour Board on Wednesday, November 22nd. We know members have many questions and concerns about what is happening. Here is a summary of what is currently happening:

Friday, November 24th, COPE 491 filed their response with the Labour Board, as required, asking that the application be dismissed.

The employer also responded to the application, submitting their response to the Labour Board on November 24th, which also asked that the application be dismissed.

According to the rules set out in the Labour Board process, the vote must take place 5 days after the application is filed; which will be Wednesday, November 29th. The Labour Board Officer assigned to the file will determine if the vote will take place or will be postponed. That determination has not yet been made.

A Labour Board Officer conducts the vote and produces the ballots to be used.

The Table Officers will be at National Office on Tuesday, November 28th, to meet with members and discuss any questions and/or concerns they may have.

The Table Officers will also be available on site on the day of the vote.

COPE 491 was required to appoint a scrutineer for the vote and Brother Steve Smith has agreed to fill this role.

That is a summary of what we currently know regarding this application and the raid of our COPE 491 members.

Union business, however, carries on.

We are in the midst of elections for Table Officers. Please read the biographies and make sure to cast your vote. Your vote counts, be sure to make your voice heard in your ballot.

There is an arbitration scheduled for December 1st and Sister Trish Sinclair, Interim National Vice President, has been busy preparing.

Sister Rachel Roberts, Interim Education Communications Officer, has been working hard, ensuring email lists are kept current; updating our website as well as assisting with creating communiques.

The RVP’s are busy with the usual work with members on a day-to-day basis. If you have any questions, concerns or issues, please contact your RVP to assist you. They are your voice, your best tool, to bring concerns/questions/comments to your executive.

The Bargaining Committee has been elected and is in place. A bargaining survey and amendment form has been sent out and we have had many members return the completed forms already; which is great! An extension was granted and the deadline to return those surveys is Monday, November 27th. The Committee has a meeting scheduled for December 2nd.

It is a very busy time for our Local. We will continue to stay strong; keep our strength up in our numbers and we will continue to do our very best for our members. Work carries on and we will remain focused on our members and their needs.

Thanks to entire executive for the work they do everyday and their commitment to COPE 491. Thank you also to our members; you are why we do what we go everyday!

In Solidarity,
Karen Carle