Bylaw Amendment Vote – October 2020

Bylaw Results – October 2020.
The Bylaw Amendment vote has closed and the results are in.  The bylaw amendments have passed. 
Please see below the details of the results of the vote and link for the official results on Big Pulse.  
COPE491 By-Law Amendments

Report date: Thursday 22 October 2020 13:09 EDT

COPE491 By-Law Amendments Poll ID: 163200
As at Poll close: Wednesday 21 October 2020 23:59 EDT
Number of voters: 80 · Group size: 235 · Percentage voted: 34.04
Vote counting method: V1 FPTP (first-past-the-post)
Ranked by votes
RankVote Option IDVote OptionVotes%

Returning Officer
COPE Local 491

Election Call – December 2020

Between December 9 and December 15, 2020 members will elect three (3) Table Officers; one (1) Trustee ; and three (3) RVP’s in accordance with the COPE 491 Bylaws.
Officer Positions:
National Vice-President
Education/Communication Officer
Elected by a vote of the full membership.

Trustee Position:
3-year Trustee
Elected by a vote of the full membership.

By-Election {One (1) year Duration}:
Region 6B – National Office/OAO
Region 6C – National Office/OAO
Region 7 – Maritimes
Elected by a vote of the membership in their respective regions
Nominations will open November 4, 2020 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 P.M. on November 17, 2020; the day nominations close.
To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.
No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office. Nominations must be sent in during the nomination period. Any nominations received before or after the nomination period will not be accepted. 

A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on November 18, 2020.
After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system and posted on the Local Union website. The article may reference candidate websites but shall not contain any active links to external websites.
Steve Smith will serve as Returning Officer during the election. Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, December 9 to December 15, 2020.
Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.
Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Steve Smith via your RVP no later than October 29, 2020, in order to ensure receipt of ballots.
In solidarity,
Trish Sinclair
President, COPE Local 491

Campaigning cannot occur during work time.
Use of the Employer’s voice mail or email to circulate election material is not permitted.
Candidates are asked to conduct themselves with dignity at all times.
Any behaviour or material that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment will not be tolerated.
Each duly nomination candidate may submit a maximum of one (1) article to be published on the Local Union Website and included in the electronic voting system.  Website posting of articles begin November 20, 2019.
Steve Smith
Returning Officer, COPE Local 491
October 20, 2020
Election Call

October 29, 2020
Personal email address deadline
November 4, 2020
Nominations open
November 17, 2020
4:00 p.m. EST

Nominations Close
November 18, 2020
Complete list of candidates
Will be posted on the Union’s
November 19, 2020
Website posting of articles begin
December 9 – 15, 2020
Election Call December 2020-2-1

Bylaw Vote Coming October 14

Watch your email inboxes on October 14 for the upcoming vote on changes to the Constitution and Bylaws for COPE Local 491.  We have many changes to make to our Bylaws, and instead of overwhelming everyone all at once, it has been decided to break these changes down to a couple of steps.

This first step (vote to start October 14th) is to bring our Constitution and Bylaws in line with current practices and to make other housekeeping changes to clean up some articles.  The next stage is planned for early 2021 to start making language and changes.  More information on that will be coming later. 

Click on the buttons below to review the proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws that are being put forward to vote on.  The document has the proposed changes shown in highlighted yellow with the rationale for the change shown in italics.  The changes are presented as a package and will be voted on as such.

Please review these changes so you are prepared for the upcoming vote.  The vote will be coming through Big Pulse and all documentation will be attached to that ballot you receive by email.  If you do not receive a ballot and link to the vote on October 14, please contact your RVP.  The vote will be open for one week.

If you have any questions, please forward to them to your RVP. 

Thank you.


Vacation Carry-Over


As you all know, COPE currently has a policy grievance filed regarding vacation/.vacation payout.  As we are actively working on this grievance, we are advising all members that as per Article 13.09(b) of the Collective Agreement, if you have any remaining vacation that you will not be using before the end of the year, that you wish to carry over for use next year, that you put this in writing and send it to your RD/ARD. 

We would also like to advise that this be done as soon as reasonably possible, as HR usually needs all forms to be submitted before the first week of December.  If you have any difficulty getting your request approved, please advise your RVP right away. 

We will keep you all apprised of any resolution to this matter. 

Sick Leave Bank Committee VACANCY

COPE491 has one (1) vacancy on our Sick Leave Bank committee and are canvassing members to find out who is interested in working on this committee.  The vacancy is for one of the positions that deals with requests from the National Office.  Therefore the member must be from outside the National Office.  The COPE491 Bylaws/Constitution/Policy states the following:
2.08 – Committee Appointments
Local Union committee appointments will be reviewed and renewed as necessary.  If a member is interested in holding a particular committee position, he/she should notify the Executive by advising their Regional Vice-President.  The Executive will review the applications and make appointments. 

2.05 – Sick Leave Bank Committee
The Sick Leave Bank Committee shall consist of one (1) representative from the Employer and four (4) representatives from the Local Union (two from the field to deal with member’s requests at National Office and two from National Office to deal with members’ requests from the field).  National Office will administer the Sick Leave Bank. 
If you are interested in this position and meet the requirements, please fill in the information on the Application Sheet available through the button below and reply to your RVP as well as send in a copy to: by October 15, 2020. 

In Solidarity,
Sister Trish Sinclair

All Blood is Equal

COPE National has adopted a resolution to support the campaign to end the “blood ban” at Canadian Blood Services (CBS).  Currently CBS discriminates against gay men and trans women from donating blood.  

The blood ban is not based on science, just old discriminatory ideas.  All blood in Canada is tested and is safe.  

For more information, please visit: 

COPE National President, David Black, has sent a letter calling for support from our local and our members.  We are asking members to visit the above website and add your voice to end this discrimination; share the campaign with your friends, family, neighbours and fellow allies; and consider making a donation to the campaign so they can do more public outreach.  

The link to the campaign is also available on COPE 491’s facebook group.  

Covid-19 Update

As this is a very difficult and uneasy time for all of us, I wanted to reach out to you, as we have heard some unsettling news regarding another Union that you may hear about in the next while. 

We have been told that UNIFOR will be moving to lay off staff in the coming weeks, due to the rise of unemployment in the sectors they represent.  As this is a very troubling decision for UNIFOR to make, I am sure this may bring fear and uncertainty to our members as well.  Just to clarify, this is UNIFOR the Union having to lay off staff, not UNIFOR members that work for CUPE. 

We know that all unions, organizations and governments, including CUPE will be impacted by the financial fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

There has been discussion with Mark Hancock regarding UNIFOR’s decision, the situation facing CUPE currently and what efforts are being made to alleviate the decrease in revenues that they are going to face in the next few months, maybe longer. 

Our understanding is that CUPE will be re-evaluating its finances, which will include preparing a revised budget for the year.  This budget will be presented to the NEB once it is completed. 

CUPE has indicated they are committed to protecting the jobs of all staff as much as possible and at the present time they are not contemplating layoffs. 

There will be further discussions with CUPE in the coming weeks, and we will continue to share any new information as it becomes available.  We also keep in close contact with CSU and continue to support each other through these difficult times. 

We need to continue to be available to provide assistance to the Staff Reps, as the work they are doing is crucial right now for the CUPE members, and their communities. 

These are very unsettling and uncertain times for all of us, and we need to support each other as co-workers.  COPE is committed to providing information to you all as soon as the facts become available, in order to be as prepared and informed as possible. 

In the meantime, please reach out to your RVP’s at any time with questions or concerns.  We need to continue to build solidarity for each other, the members and our communities. 

In Solidarity,

Trish Sinclair
President, COPE Local 491

Covid-19 Questions/Concerns

We know this has been a difficult time for COPE members, but please be certain, that we are trying to address questions and concerns as they arise.  One of the concerns that was brought forward, was a question as to how we are going to be paid.  We currently have members working in Payroll to ensure that we are all paid as per our regular scheduled payday.   We would like to thank all of our members, who are working to make sure it is business as usual during these unprecedented times.

As previously mentioned, please continue to send any questions or concerns through your RVP’s.  If there are any new updates, we will continue to get information to you all in a timely fashion.  Thanking you all for your patience and understanding during this time!


We are aware that members may have some concerns and questions surrounding COVID-19.  COPE has sent a letter to the Employer asking for an urgent meeting/response to our concerns and questions.  We have asked to work with the Employer on direction and policy around this declared pandemic and we will provide information as soon as it is available. 

In the meantime, please refer to Canadian Health Organization and/or other credible sources for information on best practices and updates on the pandemic progress.


Returning Officer- Call for Interested Parties

As you are all aware, our elections are done electronically using Big Pulse.  The program that we use requires some training and experience in order to use it efficiently.  In the past, we have had one Returning Officer and have usually used them fairly exclusively, but it would be beneficial to have more than one person to turn to.  We would like to have a couple different members that would be interested in acting as Returning Officer start some training on the program so that our local has more flexibility when coming across the need to appoint a Returning Officer for an election. We had sent out a request for interest last year and had some responses.  Unfortunately the couple people we chose we unable to continue through and we would like to restart the process by opening up the interest call fully again – if you have sent in an email in the past but are still interested, please feel free to send your name in again. 

If you feel this is something you would be interested in, please advise your RVP by the end of day on March 24, 2020.