Committee Vacancies 2017

Sisters and Brothers,

COPE 491 has 2 vacancies on our committees and are canvassing members to find out who is interested in working on these committees. The committees that have vacancies are: Sick Leave Bank Committee and the Women’s Committee. If you are interested in either of the vacant positions, please fill in the required information in the form attached to the letter and reply to by OCTOBER 6, 2017.

Please see the link below for the letter from Sister Karen Carle regarding these vacancies and the process for filling them.

COMMITTEE Vacancy Letter to Membership September 2017

By-Election Nominations Closed – List of Candidates

The nominations have closed for the COPE 491 By-elections.

Congratulations to Sister Tammy Laurin and Sister Heather Dillabaugh who have been acclaimed to the positions of Regional Vice-President in their regions of National Office and Saskatchewan Regions.

Congratulations and thanks to Sisters Kristine Dupuis, Rachel Roberts, Trish Sinclair who have been nominated and have let their names stand for the position of Communications Education Officer. The election will be held between September 14th and 20th.

By-Election 2017 VOTE OPEN NOW

The vote for the 2017 By-Election for Communication Education Officer opened this morning.  All eligible voting members should have received a ballot to their alternate emails; if you did not receive an electronic ballot, please contact your RVP immediately.

Voting closes on September 20th, 2017.  Results to follow shortly after.

By-Election 2017 – Nominations are now open

Nominations opened today for the three (3) vacant positions on the COPE Local 491 Executive Board.  Below you will find the links to find the nomination forms.  Remember, nominations forms are to be received by the Returning Officer ( by 4:00pm EST on August 30th.

Nomination Form – RVP 3 SK Sept 2017

Nomination Form – RVP 6 NO Sept 2017

Nomination Form – Communication Education Officer Sept 2017


Interim Education/Communication Officer

Sister Rachel Roberts has taken over the responsibilities in the interim while we work toward filling the vacancy of the Education/Communication Officer position.  Please be patient as she will be working on the website and making updates and new posts as necessary.  However, it is a learning process and if you see something suddenly go missing or turn into garble, please advise by email at: Thank you for your patience and understanding.