Bargaining Committee 2017- Nominations OPEN

Nominations are now open for the Bargaining Committee positions. Completed nomination forms will be accepted by our Returning Office, Sister Crystal Fournier. The email address for the Returning Officer is: There is a place on the nomination forms for both yourself as nominator to sign and for the person you are nominating to sign. If possible, please have the person you are nominating sign to accept prior to sending in to the Returning Officer. Once the form is completed you can scan and email to the Returning Officer.

Below you can click on the blue buttons to access the nomination forms. Please ensure you are using the correct nomination form for the position you are nominating a candidate for. There are four (4) nomination forms; one for each of the areas.

Reminder that all nominations forms must be received by the Returning Officer prior to 4:00pm EST on October 12th, 2017. No exceptions will be made.

Nomination Form – Barg Committee EAST

Nomination Form – Barg Committee National

Nomination Form – Barg Committee ONTARIO

Nomination Form – Barg Committee WEST

By-Election Nominations Closed – List of Candidates

The nominations have closed for the COPE 491 By-elections.

Congratulations to Sister Tammy Laurin and Sister Heather Dillabaugh who have been acclaimed to the positions of Regional Vice-President in their regions of National Office and Saskatchewan Regions.

Congratulations and thanks to Sisters Kristine Dupuis, Rachel Roberts, Trish Sinclair who have been nominated and have let their names stand for the position of Communications Education Officer. The election will be held between September 14th and 20th.

By-Election 2017 VOTE OPEN NOW

The vote for the 2017 By-Election for Communication Education Officer opened this morning.  All eligible voting members should have received a ballot to their alternate emails; if you did not receive an electronic ballot, please contact your RVP immediately.

Voting closes on September 20th, 2017.  Results to follow shortly after.

By-Election 2017 – Nominations are now open

Nominations opened today for the three (3) vacant positions on the COPE Local 491 Executive Board.  Below you will find the links to find the nomination forms.  Remember, nominations forms are to be received by the Returning Officer ( by 4:00pm EST on August 30th.

Nomination Form – RVP 3 SK Sept 2017

Nomination Form – RVP 6 NO Sept 2017

Nomination Form – Communication Education Officer Sept 2017