Bio’s of Nominees for upcoming Election

Good morning,

Due to a website crash over the weekend, there was a delay in posting the biography articles for the nominees.  That has now been rectified.  Below you will find the list of nominees – those who submitted an article have it attached to their name.  Click on each to see the article.  Thank you and good luck to all nominees.

For President:

National Vice-President:


Communication/Education Officer:


Nominations are now closed – LIST OF NOMINEES

Nominations have now closed. The persons nominated who have agreed to allow their names to stand for election are:

For President:

  • Karen Carle
  • Angela Lavigne

National Vice-President:

  • Heather Farrow
  • Trish Sinclair


  • Nael Abouelenein
  • Lindsay Mills

Communication/Education Officer:

  • Sonia Argatoff
  • Rachel Roberts


  • Sandra Casar
  • Christine Tran


All nominees are allowed to have a biography article posted to the website prior to the election.  Posting of submitted articles will begin tomorrow, November 17, 2017.

Please ensure your RVP has your correct email address by November 18, 2017.

The vote for these positions will start on November 24 and run until November 30, 2017.



Regional Vice Presidents

November 15, 2017

Between December 14 and 20, 2017 members will elect the Regional Vice Presidents in accordance with the COPE 491 Bylaws.

Regional Vice-President positions:


Region 2 – ALBERTA


Region 4 – MANITOBA



In accordance with approved bylaws – “three (3) Regional Vice Presidents shall be elected to service National Office.  The elected representatives shall determine the department they will service, as defined below, after the election.”

Region 7 – MARITIMES

Region 8 – ATLANTIC

All positions are elected by a vote of Elected by, and from, their Regional membership

Nominations will open November 23, 2017 and must be submitted to the Returning Officer by 4:00 P.M. on December 6, 2017; the day nominations close.

To be eligible for a nomination and election, a member must be in continuous good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months prior to date of nomination.

No nomination shall be accepted unless the member nominating has signed the nomination form and the member nominated has indicated on the form, or by other means, their willingness to stand for office.

A complete list of candidates for office will be posted on the Local Union website on December 7, 2017.

After the closing of nominations all duly nominated candidates will be extended an opportunity to have a maximum of one (1) article included in the electronic voting system, and posted on the Local Union website. The article may reference candidate websites but shall not contain any active links to external websites.

Crystal Fournier will serve as Returning Officer during the election.  Voting will be conducted using electronic voting over seven days, December 14 – 20, 2017.

Your participation as a candidate or as an informed voter in Union elections is crucial because those you elect will help administer the affairs of the Union.

Personal email addresses should be received by the Returning Officer, Crystal Fournier via your RVP and no later than December 8, 2017 in order to ensure receipt of ballots.

In Solidarity,
Karen Carle
President, COPE Local 491

Read the full Official ELECTION CALL here

All Nomination Forms can be accessed by clicking the appropriate link below:

Nomination Form RVP Region 1 British Columbia PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 1 British Columbia WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 2 Alberta PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 2 Alberta WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 3 Saskatchewan PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 3 Saskatchewan WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 4 Manitoba PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 4 Manitoba WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 5A Ontario Area PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 5A Ontario Area WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 5B Ontario Regional Office PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 5B Ontario Regional Office WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 6 National PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 6 National WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 7 Maritimes PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 7 Maritimes WORD


Nomination Form RVP Region 8 Atlantic PDF

Nomination Form RVP Region 8 Atlantic WORD



November 15, 2017 – Election Call

November 23, 2017 – Nominations Open

December 6, 2017, 4:00PM EST – Nominations Close

December 7, 2017 – Complete list of candidates will be posted on website

December 8, 2017 – Website posting of articles begins

December 9, 2017 – Personal email address deadline

December 14-20, 2017 – VOTE



The election process for the positions listed below has begun.  If you are not receiving communication by email during this process, please contact your RVP.  The positions currently up for election are:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Trustee (3 year)
  • National Vice-President (1 year left in term)
  • Education/Communication Officer (1 year left in term)


Nomination forms have been sent out.  All nominations must be received by the Returning Officer prior to 4pm EST on November 15th, 2017.  Voting on these positions will begin on November 24, 2017.  Stay tuned for more information.

Bargaining Committee Election Results and Update

Congratulations to the successful candidates for the Bargaining Committee!

Sister Trish Sinclair

Sister Collette Calvelli

Sister Abigail Manangan

Sister Karri Patterson

Thank you to all nominees who let their names stand for this extremely important committee.  Your dedication to the Local is appreciated.

This now completes our Bargaining Committee for this round of bargaining!  The committee consists of the above members, as well as Executive members Sister Lindsay Mills and Sister Karen Carle.

Below you will find the Big Pulse official results.

Bargaining Committee Candidates BIO’s

Please see the links below to view the bio’s submitted by the candidates in the upcoming Bargaining Committee Election.  Note: that the names will link to a bio if one was submitted, if it does not link, no bio has yet been provided.



Heather Dillabaugh

Patti Kinahan

Trish Sinclair

Connie Taylor



Sheila Bourque

Karri Patterson



Collette Calvelli

Steve Smith



Angela Lavigne

Abigail Managan

Mia Warwick

Bargaining Committee Nominee List

The list of nominees that have agreed to allow their name to stand for election are as follows (by region and alphabetically):



Heather Dillabaugh

Patty Kinahan

Trish Sinclair

Connie Taylor



Sheila Bourque

Karri Patterson



Collette Calvelli

Steve Smith



Angela Lavigne

Abigail Managan

Mia Warwick


The election will take place October 20-26, 2017.  Good luck to all candidates!

Congratulations to our new Education Communication Officer – Sister Kristine Dupuis!

Please see the results below for the election for Communication Education Officer.  Thanks to all who let their name stand and congratulations to Sister Kristine Dupuis.

Poll Result

By-Election – Education/Communication Officer

Report date: Thursday 21 September 2017 09:25 EDT

Education/Communication Officer

Poll ID: 139220
As at Poll close: Thursday 21 September 2017 09:24 EDT
Number of voters: 131 · Group size: 243 · Percentage voted: 53.91
Ranked by votes

Rank Candidate ID Candidate Votes %
1 15905065 Dupuis, Kristine 60 45.80
2 15905064 Roberts, Rachel 47 35.88
3 15905063 Sinclair, Trish 24 18.32